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How we use cookies

When you use our website, we add cookies to your device to:

  • make sure the website works well for you - for example, remembering whether you want to see content for England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland
  • find out how you're using our website so we can improve it
  • help us run fundraising campaigns effectively

By using our website, we assume you agree to us adding cookies to your device. If you want to disable, block or remove cookies, you can do this at any time.

Remove or disable cookies

If you disable all cookies you:

  • won't be able to have your preferences remembered, like what country you live in
  • won't be able to fill in forms on our website
  • might not be able to use webchat or see content from other companies like Youtube videos or SurveyMonkey feedback forms
  • won't be able to log in - if you work or volunteer for Citizens Advice

To block cookies, you should change the settings in your web browser. You can also delete cookies that have already been set. Click on 'Help' in your web browser and search for 'cookies'.

Cookies from Google Analytics or Mouseflow tell us how you're using our site. You can opt out if you don't want these cookies added to your device.

Opt out from Google Analytics cookies.

Opt out from Mouseflow cookies.

You can find out more about cookies and how to delete them on the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) website.

Making our website work well

We add cookies to your device so you have a good experience when you use our website - for example:

  • remembering your preferences
  • stopping the cookie notice showing all the time
  • making our online forms work

Remembering your preferences

This cookie remembers which part of the UK you prefer to view information in - England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland.

This means you won't have to choose a location every time you visit our website.

Cookie nameHow long it's kept on your device
CABExtent 1 month

Stopping the cookie notice showing

This cookie stops the pop-up message about cookies showing on every page you visit - instead, it's only shown on the first 3 pages or until you close it.

Cookie nameHow long it's kept on your device
eprivacy 1 year

Making our online forms work

These cookies make our online forms work. They're put onto your device whether you use a form or not.

Cookie nameWhat it's used forHow long it's kept on your device
AWSELB and AWSELBCORES If you fill in a form on our website, this cookie makes sure the information is remembered so that it works when you submit it. 5 minutes (AWSELB) and until you leave our website by closing your browser (AWSELBCORES)
ASP.NET_SessionId If you fill in a form on our website, this cookie makes sure the details you enter stay in the form while you're filling it in. Until you leave our website by closing your browser
__AntiXsrfToken This cookie makes sure form submissions on the website are from genuine users and aren't malicious. Until you leave our website by closing your browser

Fundraising campaigns

When we run a fundraising campaign on Facebook and Instagram, we use a cookie (also known as a pixel) on a very small number of fundraising-related pages on our website. We identify these pages by adding a static text box that alerts users to the fact that we are using a cookie on the page and includes a link to our privacy policy for more information.

The cookie we use helps us to run the fundraising campaign as efficiently and effectively as possible by allowing us to:

  • Send our fundraising adverts to people most likely to be interested in our work

  • Build ‘lookalike’ audiences, in order to reach more people interested in the work we do

  • Send our fundraising adverts to people who have engaged with our content previously

Cookie name How long it's kept on your device
_fr 180 days

Cookies other companies add to your device

If you use tools or services on our website that are delivered by other organisations, they might put cookies on your device when you use it.

The tools and services we have on our website from other organisations are:

If you use online chat

When you use online chat, our chat provider LivePerson adds cookies to your device to make the chat work smoothly.

You can't be identified from any of the cookies and none of your personal information is taken through them.

Cookie nameWhat it's used forHow long it's kept on your device
LPSessionID / LPSID This cookie remembers what you’ve done on our website including online chat. Until you leave our website by closing your browser
LPVisitorID / LPVID This cookie lets the system remember you when you come back. 2 years

Finding out how you use our website

We use tools called Google Analytics and Mouseflow to help us understand how you're using our website.

They collect information by putting cookies on your device. They share that data with us and we use it to improve our website - for example, making popular pages easier to find.

Google Analytics and Mouseflow collect information about:

  • which links you click on
  • where you move the mouse or cursor across the page
  • how much you scroll up and down on the page
  • your browser, device and operating system
  • the language you're using
  • your screen's resolution
  • the length of time you're on our website
  • your ISP and approximate ISP Location (City, Region, Country)
  • how you got to our website

The data collected through cookies is all anonymous - you can't be identified by it.
We store the information for 6 months and then delete it.

Read more about how Google Analytics uses cookies.

Read more about how Mouseflow uses cookies in their privacy policy.

This cookies policy only covers and its subdomains. Websites we link to should have their own cookies policy.

UAT (Release)