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Compare how much electrical appliances cost to use

Mae’r cyngor hwn yn berthnasol i Cymru

Use this calculator to:

  • get an estimate of how much electrical appliances cost to run
  • compare energy costs for different appliances

This can help you reduce your energy costs and save money.

Don't stop using essential appliances

It's important to look after your physical and mental health. You should:

  • keep your fridge freezer on to keep food fresh - and for any medication you need to keep cold
  • keep the room you are in well lit so you can move around safely and reduce the risk of mental health conditions like depression
  • keep your home warm enough so there is less risk of your home becoming damp and you getting ill

You might be able to save money in other ways - check what help you can get with your energy bills.

Using the calculator

Add each appliance you want to compare to your list.


How much your appliances might be costing you


We estimate that your
is costing you the most.

How we estimate your costs

Your costs are based on the average amount of power used by appliances - this is called their ‘power rating’. You can check the average power ratings for different appliances on the Centre for Sustainable Energy's website.

Your appliances might cost more or less to run. This is only an estimate - it's not accurate enough to help you calculate what your electricity bill should come to.

A oedd y cyngor hwn yn fuddiol?
Pam nad oedd y cyngor yn fuddiol?

Dywedwch fwy wrthym am pam nad oedd ein cyngor yn helpu.

A oedd y cyngor hwn yn fuddiol?

Diolch i chi, cyflwynwyd eich adborth.

UAT (Release)